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Category Archives for "Warrant Trading"

Could New Medigus CEO Add Cannabis to the Lineup?

medigus MDGS MDGSW

New Medigus (MDGS, MDGSW) CEO Liron Carmel also happens to be the CEO of cannabis powder producer CannaPowder (CAPD). Mr. Carmel will retain his role as CEO of CannaPowder and lead both companies Can you say endoscopy with a side of cannabis to ease the procedure? Medigus makes the MUSE system. An endoscopic device used […]

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Warrant Watchlist 4/2/19

Can you see it now? Better or worse? I was working with my brother-in-law installing satellite dishes during the summer. To get the dish aligned, one person is on the roof moving it while the other is watching the TV set. A totally grey picture suddenly shows some outlines of people on a TV program, […]

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