Far Point Acquisition, The Magic of a Double – Stock Warrants HQ

Far Point Acquisition, The Magic of a Double

Today Far Point Acquisition (FPAC, warrants FPACWS) announced a proposed merger with Global Blue, a “leading provider of Tax Free Shopping and payment solutions.”

I’ve written countless emails about Far Point to Warrant Observer members, and also highlighted it in several posts, like this one.

On cue today, when the stock announced its acquisition target, the warrants jumped from the $1.20 I suggested buying at, to a high, so far, of $2.41. Let’s see, that’s a double, or exactly what I said in the post linked to above, which was published November 6, 2019.

Mastering sleight of hand

When I was learning to trade on Wall Street, I’ll be the first to admit, I was astonished at the ability of some of the traders on the desk to be right time after time after time.

They could often call a stock’s movement to the minute.

“This is going up 5% in the next 15 minutes, and then it’s going to drop back to flat by the end of the day.” Bingo.

To me, this was flat out magic.

The first stock I ever bought went to zero. I sure as heck was not a stock magician. I was the opposite. I was like the anti-David Copperfield.

I was one of those guys you listened to in order to do the opposite of.

If you happened to already own a stock, and then had a conversation with me in which I said I thought your stock was a buy…well, it was time to sell it and go short.

I was George Costanza BEFORE he did the opposite thing.

So, how in the world do I now make call after call these days that are right time after time? (And no, before you break a finger rushing to put in a reply comment, not ALL of my calls are correct. Just a LOT.)

The answer is simple, but the process, the work, took time, effort and a lot of nose to the grindstone stuff.

The answer, I went to work for the magicians to learn their tricks. And, once I knew their secrets, trading got so much easier…it was like magic.

This let me predict the jump in Phunware warrants early last year, the move in Virgin Galactic and its warrant’s, up, then down, then up again. And now the double in the Far Point warrants in just a little over 2 months.

And, as I told a member of the Warrant Observer in our private forums today, we’ll be making more money in those warrants this year.

Assuming the “trick” plays out as I’ve seen it over and over, we’ll be buying when the time is right, taking our profit, and then moving on to the next act.

I’ll even share what’s behind the magic with Warrant Observer members as we go along. So members can become “magicians” themselves and do their own sleight of hand.

Odds, Odds, Odds

So, what is the real power of this “magic”?

Does it let you go on more vacations? Yep.

Do you get to look at your brokerage account and brag to your friends, “I knew that was going to happen”? Yep.

Pay for college tuition (did that today, STILL HATE writing that check, but LOVE that I can)? Yep.

Yes, it gets you all that stuff, which is totally cool, don’t get me wrong. But, it does something else that is even more important.

It puts the ODDS in your favor.

Stick with me, this is huge. Because once you can do this it makes trading / investing easier, which give you money, which makes life easier. Which makes you happier, which makes everyone around you (family and friends) happier, etc. etc. etc.

It’s the first big domino that knocks down all the rest.

There’s a great youtube video by Adam Khoo that encapsulates this idea.

As Adam talks about, you don’t need much of an edge to become a winning trader.

But, what if your edge were bigger. A BIGGER edge has an exponential positive impact on you as a human trader.

You can win if you have a 51% edge…BUT DUDE, THAT IS SOME HARD TRADING.

Being wrong almost half the time, and STILL making money sounds great. But believe me, MOST human beings can’t do it, even if they KNOW the math.

But, if you have a massive edge, if you’re right 80-90% of the time, which the magic I use to trade is, then the whole thing becomes sooooo much easier.

And, since you’ve persevered this far, and read to the end of the article, let me share the real secret behind the Wall Street magic.

The “magic” is just patterns. Boring as watching paint dry once you learn it, but to the uninitiated…magic.

So, learn some FREAKING PATTERNS so you can do magic and amaze your friends and family.

There are boatloads of trading patterns out there. And, many of them work over and over.

If you want to know what they are in the warrant world, hit me up at the Warrant Observer, and I’ll teach you the warrant tricks.

If not, find some patterns that work for you, and start putting your nose to the grindstone. I did it, so can you.

Learn the magic, tilt the odds, relax and enjoy the ride.