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Tag Archives for " stock trading "

Warrant Trading vs. Warrant Investing, Why Not Do Both

I received an email recently asking why my book focuses on warrant trading and not warrant investing. Wall Street has created very deep and emotional connotations that most individuals have internalized around the terms “trading” and “investing.” Generally, investing is “good” and “trading” is bad. Why would Wall Street spend money (advertising, white papers, academic […]

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The Easiest Warrant Trade You Can Make

In response to my email to subscribers yesterday, and my SPAC post, I received some excellent emails with thoughtful comments and questions. Thank you, you guys are awesome! One of the questions, which I get asked often, is whether you have to be a day trader to trade warrants. The answer is absolutely not. I’ve […]

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Trading Preparation is Paramount to Your Success

A few people have been asking about my trading career, where I learned to trade, what I’ve traded, etc. Here is an article I wrote for another website that details my first day on the job, and gives a little insight into a Wall Street trading desk. Throughout my trading career I’ve tried to take […]

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Trade a Rights Offering Like a Warrant Expiration

Often a rights offering can be traded in the same way you would trade a warrant expiration. As long as the rights are publicly traded, arbitrage between the common and the rights will result in downward pressure on the common stock. While there is usually little profit for the average investor in the arbitrage, you […]

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Post Ford Warrant Expiration

We’ve been following the Ford warrant expiration here in very great detail. We described how the stock would likely trade leading up to the final day of trading for the warrants, what the expiration would mean (including a comparison with the recent GM buyback), and what the stock would likely do (move up, haha) as […]

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