Constantly Learn and Master New Skills – Stock Warrants HQ

Constantly Learn and Master New Skills

(This post was sent via email on 4/29/2024)

A few weeks ago I visited my daughter at UNC, and we met a few of her friends at a local wine bar.

They had a unique business model…that I won’t get into here, a story for another day…and part of that model was not paying a lot for the music they piped in, meaning it was a lot of oldies but goodies.

One of my daughter’s friends said “I like this place, it’s cool” and made a listen gesture as Down Under by Men at Work came on. 

And I had an immediate flashback. Driving to school in the late 1980s, I’m talking high school, I heard a “new” song on the radio, specifically on the John Boy and Billie show (who are apparently still going strong). 

That song was Down Under by Men at Work. Still one of my favorites.

I got to school that day and saw my best friend at the time, Jeff (who years later would get me the closest to shot I’ve ever been, again, story for another time) and we basically said in unison, “Did you hear that song…?”.

And here I was sitting at a wine bar 35(ish) years later sharing that same song with my daughter and her friends…and having a good time, just like I was those 35 years ago. 

The song obviously triggered that memory, but it wasn’t just the song that made both moments memorable, and special. It was sharing.

What’s the saying…sharing is caring. But, it’s not only that. It’s what friends do, as, well, friends. 

So, I was psyched this morning when I got an email from SMB Capital (no affiliation, connection, etc. to me, I just follow them on YouTube because they have some good trading videos) saying they had a cool MACD strategy. 

AND, since my Trade Your Edge Group had literally just gone over MACD and how to trade it…my first thought was “Oh cool, I’m going to have to share this with the group…”

So, here it is. A cool new strategy with MACD:

Trade Your Edge